2018-19 Readers' Choice Expert Witness - Personal Injury Damage Quantification

Brown Economic was voted to be the top economic expert witness firm in Canada.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Cara Brown was invited by the editor of the Journal of Forensic Economics (JFE) to write an article summarizing forensic economic practice in Canada. This article will be published in 2025, which augments the JFE’s “state series” (in which US forensic economists summarize the practices and procedures within each American state). The article is entitled “ASSESSING ECONOMIC LOSS DAMAGES IN CANADA” and will be publicly available.

**  Cara Brown's CV  **

As forensic economists who abide by NAFE's definition and ethical principles, Brown Economic Consulting has the experience, expertise and resources to offer the highest quality in court-ready reports, quantum expert witness testimony and on-line damages calculators.

Order Thomson Reuters' Damages: Estimating Pecuniary Loss, release #36 (December 2024)

Economic Loss Calculators

Economic Loss CalculatorsBrown Economic Consulting offers 5 easy-to-use economic loss calculators for quick, accurate, cost-effective damage estimates:

Read about Cara Brown’s Athletic Accomplishments

Brown Economic Consulting quantifies economic damages relating to loss of income, cost of care and loss of housekeeping capacity that occur due to personal injury or wrongful death.

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