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News & Updates

Ongoing research and development in the forensic economic field has led to the following recent publications:

  1. C.L. Brown (2025) Assessing Economic Loss Damages in Canada Journal of Forensic Economics (forthcoming).
  2. C.L. Brown (2025) Wrongful death cases: Repudiation of the ‘sole dependency’ calculation, the dependency loss formula, and how new family members reduce losses on income and valuable services HEARSAY Canadian Defence Lawyers.
  3. C.L. Brown (2023) How the Wage Deficit Approach (WDA) can be used to Assess Economic Loss Damages based on Guidance from British Columbia case law UBC Law Review volume 56:1.

   Brown Economic Consulting continues to publish and disseminate its research periodical free of charge, Brown's Economic Damages Newsletter, and regularly updates its newsletter topic index. Of the almost 300 issues authored to date, below we list highlight topics of interest to practitioners:

To request copies of Ms. Brown’s articles or ask to be subscribed to our research periodical, please us. To request prior issues of Brown's Economic Damages Newsletter, email us for